Last evening we had a nice meal at the community center - celebrating the bank's 75th anniversary. They had a pork loin sandwich, homemade potato salad and baked beans (both very good), chips and soft serve ice cream. Big turnout. They had music at the gazebo in the middle of town after the meal.
Afterward, Bill went to burn an old house with the fire dept.
Read this in
Country Woman magazine - this was almost me when I moved here - except I grew up in the country that turned to city!
"I grew up in a city, so I really appreciated the beauty of the country when my husband and I moved to Iowa. One fall day, we were driving down a gravel road admiring the dazzling colors, when we came to three cows standing in the middle of our path. My husband stopped the car, and without thinking, I screamed "Roll up the windows and lock the doors!" Immediately, my husband started laughing and reminded me that cows couldn't open even
unlocked car doors."
Mary Talbot
Webster City, Iowa
Being from an Indianapolis suburb, since moving here I still keep the house doors locked, take the keys out of the vehicle whether at the store or in the garage, shut & lock most windows at night or if leaving for a while, etc. - but I'm getting a little better! I will go in places here in our town and leave the car unlocked - maybe! Bill just shakes his head but luckily puts up with it!