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Today is our 2nd anniversary already and wow, the weather is really nice like it was on our wedding day! (we got married on a yacht on the Mississippi River in Dubuque, Iowa so we were thankful to have a beautiful day!) Now that Bill has sown grass seed for our temporary yard, there is no rain in the forecast for days!!
The start of Three Rivers Trail is just down the road about a mile from our house. It's a really nice 33 mile trail that was a railbed.
People use it for walking, biking, snowmobiling and riding horses. As you can see though, no people on it!! Several of us would like to walk on it regularly but we're kind of afraid to walk alone. Otherwise, it's a very peaceful trail!We got the schedule in the mail today for the Greater Rolfe Days events coming up soon. ATV pull which is new, firemen's omelet breakfast, water fights (with the fire hoses), parades, rodeo, church service at the park, book sale, salad lunch by VFW.
Last night as I was going to pick up our pizza, I realized that for many of the readers, our rural Iowa pizza situation would be something I could blog about! There is no delivery here! I know some can't imagine that! We can order pizza from our Pronto gas station/convenience store that's only a little over a mile away but it's just ok on a good night. The kitchen closes at 7:00 too. Or, we can order it from one of two Casey's gas station/convenience stores - and we like theirs better. Either one of those is about a 16 mile round trip! That's ok with me though. In Carmel, by the time they found my house the pizza was cold so I usually picked it up anyway. I won't go too much into how Bill likes the Meat Lovers and I like more of a pepperoni, green pepper & onions pizza. Sometimes we get half & half but Bill thinks his half is always contaminated a little with my stuff.
I hadn't taken a good picture of our house since it's been finished because the old house is kind of in the way and the tree in the middle is going to come down when the old house does, but some wanted to see it. I hope to plant a couple of redbuds and other dwarf type trees that bloom pretty in the Spring and/or Fall, but that will probably be next year. We have to figure out how we're going to landscape around the house first and especially our stairs from the screened porch in back and the patio there.
It was hot here again today - looks like these cows have the right idea for keeping cool. This is down the road from Bill's Mom's house. Today was a mowing day for me but there was a breeze so it wasn't too bad.Tonight I'm getting ready to go with nephew, Rob tomorrow on the church bus to Adventureland. It's near Des Moines and I've never been there. It's been a long time since I've been to an amusement park!
I made 2 pans of Scotcheroos today. Pocahontas (next town to the west) is having their Heritage Days this weekend. There is a church service on the courthouse square Sun., and then our church is doing a lunch to benefit our youth group, Ignite. They asked for donation of bars. Each bar had to be individually wrapped with your name & address on them!
I got back from Indiana last evening.
Bill's cousin, Paul, his wife, Terri, and daughter, Riley, came by this morning to see our finished house. They live in MO and had been here when we barely had walls. They really like our cabinets - both the style & stain color and our 2 burgundy walls in the great room/kitchen area!The plumbers came later this morning and left around 4:00. They had about 4 things to do and are now DONE!!
They got the faucet in this garage utility sink and put in the water softener chute to the right of the sink! Who likes to carry heavy bags of water softener salt to the basement!
Our plumber had put one of these in for someone else - kind of his own idea. It's a recycling bin with lid and then PVC? pipe goes through the wall and down to the water softener (hmmm, need a picture of that too). What a great idea!My new Stampin' Up! catalogs came today so I'm getting those addressed and mailed out to anxious customers. They can start ordering from them July 1.
Mom & I started out the day by checking out the Farmers' Market. There are 6 rows of booths with 50 vendors. Then I headed to a friend's bridal shower/brunch west of Indianapolis. Bill & I are coming back to Indiana for her wedding in early August and I'll do 2 stamping events ("business" trip!).
This evening Mom & I went to see a stamping friend's new house and then on to a fish fry. Here in Indiana, various denominations of churches have them throughout the summer usually outside under tents, and it's usually fish sandwiches with sides of potato
salad, cole slaw, fries or baked beans and pie or cake. In Iowa, they're usually during Lent, done by the Catholic churches, inside because it's still cold out, and they're meals of pieces of fish with sides of corn, baked potato, roll and a bar or ice cream.
The Kings went to school with Mom. They had kids our age and lived down the road from us 1-2 miles. At the time, we could ride our bikes down 146th Street between our houses. Today it's a 4 lane busy road and you're lucky to not get killed in a car! Our families were always together. We went to a lake in Minnesota with them a couple times and us kids remember riding in an old RV going somewhere. Their daughter and I rode our bikes all over, laid out in the sun using baby oil for our tanning lotion and all that. Lots of fun times. Don used to farm and likes to read my farming stories from Iowa and wants to visit us sometime. :)Last weekend I got to go to their son's daughter's graduation party so I got to see all of them and his house so that was nice.
Kings rode with us to Alumni last weekend and when we dropped them off, I got to see Marilyn's new toy - A GATOR~!!! She loves it! Last year I had kind of mentioned to Bill that I "needed" a Gator for when I pick up sticks and do things in the yard! He says it's not gonna happen. (I used to want one of those cute little blue New Holland tractors!) He has lots of big toys . . . Guess I should just be happy with a new house! :)
Last night, Mom & I went to see cousin Scott's girlfriend Kim's daughter, Kaleigh (whew) sing karaoke in the IndyIdol contest. Right now there are 12 of them left with 2 being eliminated each week. 1st place gets $1000! Her outfit was perfect for the 80's theme last night and she did a great job with her song, Hit Me With Your Best Shot! Uncle Neal, Aunt Jan, Jodi and Myron were there too.This is where I had lunch of crackers & cheese, fresh pineapple & strawberry shortcake. Ahhhh. Maybe I can get Bill to add a pond behind our house? We have room! I think I've mentioned it before with an unfavorable reply. Mom had a lunch church committee meeting.
Her doctor apptmt. has been rescheduled from Fri. to Mon. but she's called to see if there are any cancellations.
I'm going to be with friends I used to work with tonight.
This was my house I built here in Indiana - a couple of years before I met Bill - back when I thought I'd be here forever! The new owner hasn't changed any of the landscaping around the house - all looks the same except bigger.
This house was laid out very similar to our new one with 2 bedrooms and a bathroom on the left side and master bedroom & bath and laundry room behind the garage with the great room in the back in the middle. There was an entry at this house which we don't have and an office or dining room in the front. The kitchen and eating area was not vaulted like our house is. No basement here but did have a bonus room/attic area with stairway and floor above the garage. I really missed it until about a month ago when we moved into ours. :)
I had lunch today with long time friend, Marie. We needed a lot longer than her one hour lunch hour to talk! We'll try to get together again the next time I'm back.
I'm headed back to Indiana today to do a stamp class for my Indiana customers and a downline meeting for the demonstrators under me (the Stampers At Heart).
Also want to pick up a porch swing I've seen in MooresviIle, Indiana while there. Mom & I may have to eat at Gray Brothers while in that area. It's one of those restaurants that people drive from far and wide to eat there with their pies being very popular. Mooresville is not too far south of Indianapolis. There is also an apple orchard outside of Mooresville that I went to every Fall. They have lots of varieties of apples, pumpkins, gourds and in Oct. they have the usual caramel apples and the best fried biscuits and warm apple butter. Mooresville is a neat, pretty area - hillier than around Indianapolis.
While I'm driving 600 miles today, I thought I'd send you to check out my friend and long time stamp customer, Denise's blog. (click on her name to go to her blog). She's the one that kept saying that I should start a blog! I really enjoy reading hers. She blogs about the books she's reading, cooking, baking & recipes, her beautiful stamped cards, her faith, gardening and more. Leave her a Comment and tell her Cindy sent you!
PS - Happy Birthday Suetta & Happy Anniversary Kathy & Ron!
This is a picture of some of the concrete in our garage - the result of the workers putting some ice melt on the ice outside the garage and then it got tracked inside. Wed. night Greg & Bill F. will be here to clean the garage floor really well and then they're going to fill the holes and then put one of those heavy duty paints over that. I'm not excited about it since those always seem to peel off - but they don't want to leave us with a floor like this either.
Tomorrow morning we're supposed to have electricians back to finish a couple of things. I have a P.E.O. meeting at 9:30.
Today Bill had a grocery meeting, and I had a physical in Humboldt. I worked in the stamp room the rest of the day.